Monday, November 26, 2007

The Lack of an Entry: Crime is Scary

I was planning on writing a blog entry about computer crimes. You know, the usual: illegal porn, identity theft, soliciting. The thing is... there's some research involved that I'm legitimately afraid to do. I just keep thinking: what if my searches get picked up on some crime scan? what if i end up accidentally on an illegal site? It's all research until I follow that one bad link.

The fact that you can get arrested for an action done on the internet is still kind of mind boggling. For some crimes, its understandable. For things like identity theft and kidnapping, the internet is just a vessel. The crime is committed in real life. But what about things like inappropriate postings or cyber stalking? What's the protocol? How do you know when you've done something that crosses some invisible line?

The invisible lines are what scares me. Ignorance is no excuse, right? There are things done online every day, by millions of kids, that could probably get us arrested. Illegal fileshares like Limewire and Kazaa are rampant. We lie about our age all the time to access websites and offers. When does it become more serious than just some normal misdemeanor? I'd rather not find out. Therefore, this entry is the lack of an entry. I crave the knowledge, but am afraid of what it might turn up. I'm sorry.

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